.. _setup-github: Setting up with Github ====================== [:ref:`Click here to return to the home page `] A github account is required in order to contribute a data package to ggd. If you do not have a github account it is easy to create one. (Note: Your github account does not need to be connected to ggd in order to work) * Go to `github.com `_ and sign up for an account. (Accounts are free) * Once you have an account you will need to fork the `ggd-recipes `_ github repo. This repository is where the ggd data recipes are collected. * In the top right hand corner of the `ggd-recipes `_ page you will see a button called **fork**. When you have pressed the button it will ask you where to put the fork. Select your github account. * **ggd-recipes** will now be a repository attached to your account. (github.com//ggd-recipes) * You will then need to clone the forked ggd-recipes repo to the machine that you are working on. * On you machine navigate to a directory were you want to download the forked ggd-recipes repo. * **NOTE:** `git` is a required software package. If you do not have it downloaded on your system run:: $ conda install -c anaconda git * **NOTE:** conda is required as well. If you do not have conda installed on your system see :ref:`Using GGD ` to install conda and the required software packages on your system. You can then return to this page and continue. * Clone the forked repository to the current location on your machine. * ```` is your github account username. This is where the ggd-recipes repo was forked. :: $ git clone https://github.com//ggd-recipes.git * Move into the ggd-recipes directory:: $ cd ggd-recipes/ * Add the original ggd-recipes repo as an upstream remote repo to the one just added to your machine. This will make it easier to update your forked repo with the original, upstream repository. :: $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/gogetdata/ggd-recipes.git You have now set up a forked ggd-recipes repository on your machine, which you will use to add data packages to ggd.