.. _`grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1`: grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1 =============================================== |downloads| Protein Coding Canonical Transcript Features for each protein coding gene id from GENCODE's v34 (Ensembl 100) comprehensive set of gene anntotations. Canonical Transcripts are determined using the APPRIS annotation dataset. In short, for all protein coding transcripts, transcripts are filtered based on APPRIS isoform flags. If multiple transcripts of the same gene have equal flags, the isoform with the most exons is chosen. If all transcritps for a gene are not annotated by APPRIS, the transcript with the most exons is chosen as the canonical transcript. APPRIS flag information can be found here: http://appris-tools.org/#/downloads or here: https://uswest.ensembl.org/info/genome/genebuild/transcript_quality_tags.html. Features include: gene, transcript, exon, CDS, UTR, start_codon, stop_codon, and Selenocysteine. ================================== ==================================== GGD Package grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1 Species Homo_sapiens Genome Build GRCh38 GGD Channel ggd-genomics Package Version 1 Recipe Author mjc Data Provider GENCODE Data Version release-34_03-24-2020 Genomic File Type gtf Data file coordinate basing 1-based-inclusive Package's Data Files grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1.gtf.gz, grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1.gtf.gz.tbi Approximate Size of Each Data File grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1.gtf.gz: **10.74M**, grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1.gtf.gz.tbi: **262.63K** Package Keywords Canonical, Canonical-Transcripts, Canonical-Isoforms, Gene-Features, GTF, Gene-Features, Gene-Annotations, GTF, GENOCDOE-GTF, GENCODE-Gene-Sets, Annotated-Transcripts Package Dependencies: gsort, htslib, zlib Recipe https://github.com/gogetdata/ggd-recipes/tree/master/recipes/genomics/Homo_sapiens/GRCh38/grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1 ================================== ==================================== Install with ``--prefix`` ------------------------- **Prefix install enabled:** *True* Installation ------------ .. highlight: bash With ggd installed and an activated ggd channel (see :ref:`using-ggd`), install with:: ggd install -c genomics grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1 .. |downloads| image:: https://anaconda.org/ggd-genomics/grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1/badges/downloads.svg :target: https://anaconda.org/ggd-genomics/grch38-canonical-transcript-features-gencode-v1 Activating Environment Variables -------------------------------- Run :code:`source activate base` after installing the data package to activate the environment variables associated with this data package. .. note:: You must be in the conda environment where the data package was installed in order to use the associated environment variables. Otherwise, use :code:`ggd get-files` to access this package's data files.