.. _`grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1`: grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1 ========================= |downloads| Self chain alignemnts of the human genome with an improved gap scoring system. Alignemtns point out areas of duplication wihtin the human genome, with the exception of the pseudoautosomal regions on X and Y. From the Human Chained Self Alignemnts track on UCSC. Remapped from UCSC hg38 to Ensembl GRCh37 ================================== ==================================== GGD Package grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1 Species Homo_sapiens Genome Build GRCh38 GGD Channel ggd-genomics Package Version 1 Recipe Author mjc Data Provider UCSC Data Version 06-Mar-2014 Genomic File Type bed Data file coordinate basing 0-based-inclusive Package's Data Files grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1.bed.gz, grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1.bed.gz.tbi Approximate Size of Each Data File grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1.bed.gz: **790.34M**, grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1.bed.gz.tbi: **700.77K** Package Keywords Self-Chain, Self-Alignment, Repeats, low-copy-repeats Package Dependencies: grch38-chrom-mapping-ucsc2ensembl-ncbi-v1, gsort, htslib, zlib Recipe https://github.com/gogetdata/ggd-recipes/tree/master/recipes/genomics/Homo_sapiens/GRCh38/grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1 ================================== ==================================== Install with ``--prefix`` ------------------------- **Prefix install enabled:** *True* Installation ------------ .. highlight: bash With ggd installed and an activated ggd channel (see :ref:`using-ggd`), install with:: ggd install -c genomics grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1 .. |downloads| image:: https://anaconda.org/ggd-genomics/grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1/badges/downloads.svg :target: https://anaconda.org/ggd-genomics/grch38-self-chain-ucsc-v1 Activating Environment Variables -------------------------------- Run :code:`source activate base` after installing the data package to activate the environment variables associated with this data package. .. note:: You must be in the conda environment where the data package was installed in order to use the associated environment variables. Otherwise, use :code:`ggd get-files` to access this package's data files.